Before you continue…
There is never a perfect baby diet, this is a simple
guide to finding what works for you and your baby.
These meals have been carefully put together and
are safe to consume during your baby’s journey to
eating solid food.
Your baby might prefer just milk after trying all of
this so don’t be too hard on them, feed them with
milk while introducing them to these meals slowly.
Please note that babies are different and comparism
is a confidence killer so please if another baby does
exactly opposite to what your baby is doing, just go
with the flow. They will get by eventually.
Through this meal plan, you are able to find one, two
or 3 meals that you can stick with depending on your
baby’s level of tolerance.
When your baby hits the big 1, begin to feed them
with what you eat at home. This will help them not
get picky and they will love eating good food
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